“Digging Deeper” – “Discovery Bible Study”

For those who have asked, those at the Bible Engagement Project have indicated that the recorded copies of “Digging Deeper” will be posted and assessable very soon! Watch for announcements! Also the note-taking device for the studies will be available at https://bibleengagementproject.com/diggingdeeper (or if I saying it out loud to you “bibleengagementproject dot com, forward slash diggingdeeper” ;-)Those that desire to be a part of these studies (even if you are unable to join us at 3 p.m. CDT each Tuesday) should register/enroll for the studies at https://ag-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vTs7ug8aQKiUGGczezdpFg?fbclid=IwAR3jrp0XOnZxdNARH9GAN1Vmogy6weBTxe6421W1NZJRnYQu4uSFjzPT2DQHey, last Tuesday we had a wonderful time together!!! Why not join us, share this, and invite a friend! Bring your Bible!!

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