“DISCIPLESHIP” – A “Walk” all the Way from Here to Heaven!

It’s not enough to simply “raise your hand, step to an aisle, go forward and pray a prayer” to be forgiven, and thus be “born again” or experience “new birth.” “DISCIPLESHIP” should be the result and outcome of “new birth!”

The big question is, are you a “disciple” (i.e. a devoted, obedient, follower of Jesus)? That is why the “Great Commission” Jesus gave His disciples was, “Go therefore and MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe (obey) all that I have commanded you!” (Matthew 28:19-20) It’s not enough to simply “make converts” or tally up “decisions” … we must “MAKE DISCIPLES!” Every Christian Church must be ‘first and foremost” in the DISCIPLEMAKING BUSINESS!

After a person makes a decision to follow Jesus, the next obedient step is to be “baptized” in water. Water baptism is important (even essential) but it is simply the “first step” of DISCIPLESHIP!

Hey, DISCIPLESHIP is a life-long journey! Apostle Paul described it as a “WALK”(a life-long walk)… “WALK” was his favorite word to describe DISCIPLESHIP(not “run, ride, or fly” – “WALK”)!

I was again reminded of this today in my Bible reading…

“Now this I say and testify in the Lord, that you must no long WALK as the Gentiles (i.e. the “unconverted”) do, in the futility of their minds… that is NOT the way you learned Christ (the word “learned” here is a Greek form of the words “disciple”) assuming that you have heard about Him and were taught in Him, as the truth is in Jesus. Put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and put on the new self created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness,” (From Ephesians 4:17-24)!”

Com’on, let’s take a WALK together – the “Christ walk!” DISCIPLESHIP is a WALK… A WALK with Christ, a WALK with the constant help and empowerment of the Holy Spirit, a WALKS with fellow Christians… and a WALK all the way from “here” to “heaven

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