Short… But With a “Wallop!”

Meditating this morning during my time of “Coffee with the Lord” on THE SHORTEST PSALM… THE SHORTEST CHAPTER… IN THE BIBLE – PSALM 117.  But boy, does it pack a wallop!!  I mean, just think about comprehensiveness of these concepts!! …

  • All nations… All people!!
  • Great [“steadfast”] love!!
  • Faithfulness that endures forever!!

So this is what the Psalm says… 

“Praise the Lord, all you nations!

Extol Him, all you peoples!

For great is His love toward us!

The faithfulness of the Lord endures forever!

Praise the Lord!”

So here I am with my cup of coffee this morning blown away by His great love and enduring faithfulness trying, in my feeble way, to adequately to comprehend and praise Him!!  Perhaps, just perhaps, the Holy Spirit can assist me today (cp. Romans 8:26-27; Ephesians 3:14-21; 1 Corinthians 14:2, 4, 14-18)… Ya think?

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