“Getting Even or Granting Grace”

My Bible reading today included Psalm 109… and believe me, it’s a “toughy!” It’s identified as one of the Bible’s “Imprecatory Psalms” which are known for calling down calamity, destruction, judgement, and God’s anger upon those who are the vicious enemies of God’s people. As such, “Imprecatory Psalms” are often considered less than righteous responses to wrongs suffered… less than Christlike in tone and expressive of New Testament standards.

After reading what David had to say in Psalm 109 today I wrote these words in the margin of my Bible… “This Psalm is a toughy! I’ve not experienced what prompted David to express what he did here, but I’ve underlined in its verses how I want to respond when I face similar circumstances”…

“In return for my love they accuse me, but I give myself to prayer! They reward me evil for good, and hatred for my love! … But you, O God my Lord, deal on my behalf [with my adversaries & enemies] for your names sake. Because Your steadfast love is good, deliver me! For I am poor and needy and my heart is stricken within me! … Help me, O Lord my God! Save me according to your steadfast love! … Let them curse, but You will bless!” (Selected from Psalm 109)

Then I added these words in the margin of my Bible…. “And to those words from Psalm 109 I want to heed the urging of the following verses from the New Testament (you really need to read them all)… Luke 6:27-36; Romans 12:14, 17-21; 1 Corinthians 4:12b-13a; and 1 Peter 3:9.” They urge us to “bless,” “pray for,” “forgive” and show “kindness and love” to those who wrong, persecute, and take advantage of us! It’s the better way, the overcoming way, the Kingdom way and the Heavenly Father’s way – the “THE GRACE WAY!

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