Got any “Fav’s” in the Bible… Psalm 103 is One of Mine!

DO YOU HAVE ANY “FAV’S” IN THE BIBLE (I mean the passages that are part of your “Top 10 Favorites” list?  What are they?  PSALM 103 IS ONE OF MINE (and, interestingly, it was part of my Bible reading this morning during my time of  “Coffee with the Lord”)…

I’m going to do something I rarely do with Psalm 103 today… Since it’s Saturday (and tomorrow is Sunday, “The Lord’s Day”) I’m going to post a “Sermon Skeleton” or basic “Bible Teaching Outline” on my “Coffee with the Lord” post!  (Pastors and Bible teachers have my full approval to use it and adapt it as needed!)  Here it is…


Psalm 103

Praise the Lord Oh My Soul!

Theme:  Praise is due the Lord for His incredible blessings and loving character!

Felt need this passage addresses: The need we have to be reassured about God’s essential character and His wonderful benefits.

It is best to think of this psalm as three concentric circles. (Diagram)

  1. First of all, in the center the psalmist begins with a focus upon God’s blessing on himself personally. (vss. 1-5)
  2. Next, the focus is upon the faithfulness, mercy and steadfast love of God upon His covenant people. (vss. 6-18)
  3. Finally, in the outer circle, the psalmist attention is directed to God’s greatness and sovereign power in the cosmos. (vss. 19-22a)
  4. Then he returns to the point at which he began – Personal praise – praise from his own soul!

What is the key idea of this Psalm?

The big idea of this psalm reveals itself by repetition.  What phrase is repeated three times in this passage?  (vss. 1-2, 22)

“Bless (or praise) the Lord, O my soul.”

Who was the psalmist speaking to with these words?

He was speaking to himself (engaging in self-talk) – these words are a self-exhortation!

After the self-exhortation in verses 1-2, what does the psalmist do – what is his focus upon?

I.            Call to mind – Don’t forget all the wonderful things He does for us (vss. 2-5)

He lists some of God’s benefits to him.  What had God done for David?  What benefits are enumerated?

  • ForgivnessHealingPreserved life“Crowned” (honored) with love and compassionCompletely satisfiedRevived and revitalized

Let’s be specific today and list some of God’s benefits to us.  Let’s start “Thanksgiving in June!”

II.           Contemplate God’s character (vss. 6-18)

What about God’s character is given attention?  Where do you find this best summarized in verses 6-18?

Especially His steadfast love.  I think verse 8 says it best.  Highlight it in your Bible.  It tells us what God fundamentally is!  “The Lord is … compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.”

In what different ways do you see this expressed in these verses?

  1. Vindication and justice for the oppressed (vs. 6)
  2. Provision for His people – guidance for their leader, mighty acts of deliverance, protection and provision for His people. (vs. 7)
  3. Complete forgiveness for the guilty. (vss. 9-10)
  4. The greatness of His love – three great similes (comparisons or illustrations) (vss. 11-13)
    1. The incredible size of the universe
    1. The distance between east and west
    1. The deep inner yearnings of a parent
  5. His sensitivity to our humanness. (vs. 14)
  6. The dependable nature of His love. (vss. 15-18)

Where does the Psalmist’s attention move in verses 19-22?  What is his perspective?  What does it encompass?  Does it stay there?

III.         A cosmic, universal perspective – Consider Him on His throne! (vss. 19)

Conclusion – How should a person properly respond to a God like this? (vss. 20-22)

How did David respond?

  • He saw and as it were entered into the heavenly, eternal worship – I believe he entered into such passages as Revelation 4:1-11; 5:8-14; 7:9-12; 11:15-18; 12:10-12; 15:1-4; 19:1-8.
  • He knew only one way – with authentic praise and worship! (vs. 22b, 1-2)

Paul, the great apostle who had resisted Him and persecuted his people, took it one step further – Romans 12:1-2

How does the emphasis of this Psalm upon God’s benefits, steadfast love and majesty make you feel?  What does it make you want to do?  Will you do it today?  Sincerely?  Authentically?

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