What matters most is not where you live, but the condition of your heart!

Beautiful modern home Tent City

Look at the pics, read the following proverb, and reflect…

“The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the upright will flourish!” (Proverbs 14:11 ESV)

What matters most is not where you live, but what is in your heart! I’m fully aware that there are righteous people that live in beautiful homes and that some wicked people reap the results of their behavior and live in poverty… but that is not the point of this proverb.   The point of this proverb is that down the road, justice will ultimately come – to the righteous AND the wicked! The righteous will flourish and the wicked will be destroyed.

Wonderful promise! Blessed assurance! What matters most is the state of your heart – not the grandeur of the house you live in! I’ve been in third-world countries and visited displaced godly people living in squalor… I’ve driven past opulent mansions belonging to evil tyrants… just wait!

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